October 17, 2007

it's cooling off

Finally, the weather is cooling here! In honor of a somewhat cool day (high of 85), I decided to run outside for the first time. I knew of a 5 mile route which started and ended at my house that my husband had mapped out, so I thought I can add 2 to that to complete the scheduled 7 mile long run for the day.

I also used this as an opportunity to test out a piece of equipment that was given as a gift to me last Christmas - a Nike Chip. (I'm so not technical and it took this long for me to be motivated enough to learn how to use it!) The Nike Chip links up to your Ipod and can track mileage.

Well, the run was very exciting! A fresh breeze, nothing to look at but scenery and passing cars. The need to focus on each step prevented me from getting bored like I do on the treadmill. All in all it was a good run and I was tired, but really inspired when I got home. My Nike chip said I ran 7 miles. I got in the car and re-traced my steps. It turns out I only ran 5.6! Then I discovered that I needed to calibrate the chip FIRST!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kim- you so make me laugh!