August 18, 2007

The Look

Preparing for a race involves many aspects: the race, the pace, the shoes, the look, etc. As far as the look goes, I have found this great clothing line called Athleta that I love. They have super cute and functional pieces perfect for active women who want some style as they sweat!

One thing I am definitely purchasing is their sport tee that "proclaims your sport of choice before you ever open your mouth." I am obviously going for the running graphic. Its only $39 and I was thinking that if anyone else got one we could be twins, triplets, or quadruplets! What do you think??

By the way, my favorite female active wear store is Lucy. And not just because it is based out of Portland, OR- where I hail from! Their stuff has the best fit and the softest fabrics while looking ultra hip. Love it.

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