November 17, 2007

running children and serious runners

Kim and I met this morning at the grand opening of the Road Runner Store. I had been looking forward to this store finally opening locally. Kim was on the hunt for some good quality running pants, insoles for her running shoes (more cushion), and socks. I was searching for running shorts, tanks and a light-weight water bottle. Come to find out they have really cute running t-shirts that I couldn't pass up either. Such is the way with shopping.

So our shopping experience would have been perfect except for one tiny detail: our four children ages 6 and under. God-given gifts they may be, put them together in an adult oriented store contaminated with serious runners, the combination is not pretty. Not too mention that it is quite hard to shop or even think when you are attempting to corral your children.

A mutually frustrating and rewarding experience as we both came out with full shopping bags, freebies (gym bag & t-shirt), and crying children. However, just another way in which to expose our little ones to running and the strength and health it brings. They definitely had more fun than us.

Note: pretty sure the store's management did not design the running shoe sculpture to be a child's slide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone get those kids under control! Ha Ha. I just wanted to let everyone know that amidst my 2 yr old's tantrums, Candace was a pillar of support to me while I was trying to shop and also, a very nice pre-teen pushed my son in his stroller around the store while I waited in line to pay for my gear. There are good people in the world and many of them are runners! Coincidence?