November 6, 2007


When I started on the path of running, January of this year, a big catalyst for me was weight loss. I needed to find an aerobic activity that would get me into shape and get rid of the extra poundage. Running was something that always fascinated me because it was always something that I definitely didn't think I could do. Happily, I have proven myself wrong. Really on two accounts. Let me explain.

As I was recovering and stretching the other day following a good run, my mind started wandering. From the glorious relief of accomplishing yet another long run, to the realization that this whole running journey, for me, has evolved.

Though I still check the scale periodically, and have found that numerically the numbers haven't much changed, mentally I am changed. It is no longer a goal to magically shed weight; it is a desire to get stronger.

I am running because I am beating my body. I am running because I am strengthening my body. I am running because I have two little ones who I want to model health for. I am running because.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Dear daughter,
I'm proud of you - besides being a good wife and mother, and good daughter, you're also a good runner (and a good writer). I'm just beginning to see how much this running thing means to you, and how it's effecting every area of your life in a positive way. Bravo! - your popperooski