November 22, 2007


It's official - I'm a runner. I have 1 "black toenail" and 1 toenail that is pretty much hanging by a thread. I ran a couple weeks back in some older shoes that are a little on the big size now, (I didn't realize feet could gain/lose weight during pregnancy, but apparently they can), which caused the toenail issues. The shoe situation is under control now, but when will these toenails be normal again? My Dad, who was an avid runner in his 30's and 40's, told me one of his black toenails took a YEAR to be normal. That makes me giggle.


Anonymous said...

sheesh- a YEAR?? okay, i am horrified! thankfully all my toes are still their normal color...

Melissa Stephenson said...

Just wanted to wish you guys luck this weekend! You'll do great and your hard work will pay off =) I'll be thinking of you and kick bootie!!! =)