September 18, 2007

comfort zone

Yesterday I traveled outside of the comfort zone. Actually, not only did I travel outside of my comfort zone, I traveled to my "not-having-any-comfort" zone. For the first time in about 4 years I ran 6 miles. I psyched myself up for it all weekend, preparing for Monday's long, slow, run. It was a good run and more important than the physical accomplishment, it was the psychological accomplishment that was most important to me. Not to get all "touchy feely" here, but knowing that it is possible to gut it out even when your body is not feeling comfortable is valuable to any runner. In my current Bible study one of the topics was how God sometimes puts us in situations which are out of our comfort zone to help us grow. I was reminded of that during my run and upon reflection grateful that he does that for me personally! I'm grateful for this opportunity, as part of this running club/blog, to also be brought out of my comfort zone and grow more into the woman God wants me to be. Happy running!

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